Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Faculty and Staff Resources



Did you know?

  • More than 1 in 4 Cal Poly students experience food insecurity or inadequate access to food

  • More than 1 in 10 experience homelessness

  • Since 2016, Cal Poly food pantry usage increased by 500% to nearly 10,000 visits in AY 2021-2022

  • In AY 2022-2023, the Cal Poly CalFresh Outreach team helped 1,635 students apply for CalFresh benefits

  • For every 1,000 Cal Poly students who participate in CalFresh, $6 million in economic activity is generated for the State of California per year

How can I support Cal Poly students?

  1. Add a basic needs statement to your syllabus

  2. Review the list of approved majors which make students potentially eligible for a CalFresh food grant

  3. Post, upload, or print CalFresh flyers

  4. Visit and refer your students to the Cal Poly Basic Needs website


Syllabus Statements

Include a short statement introducing Basic Needs on your syllabus as a complement to the other suggested resources, such as ones for DRC, Health and Wellbeing, and academic integrity statements.

Copy and paste these versions onto your syllabus.

short version

If you or someone you know is having difficulty accessing enough healthy food or stable housing, please know that Cal Poly offers a number of free and effective resources. Visit for more information.

long version

27% of Cal Poly students experience food insecurity, or inadequate access to food. 12% experience homelessness. These challenges are common among college students and they lead to severe consequences for physical, mental, and academic wellbeing. If you or someone you know is having difficulty accessing basic needs like enough healthy food or stable housing, please know that Cal Poly offers a number of free and effective resources. Visit for more information.

CalFresh Flyers

Cal Poly Basic Needs Website

The website includes information about the Cal Poly Food Pantry, Cal Poly Cares Grant, CalFresh Outreach, emergency housing and more:

What does CalFresh mean for students?


spring 2019

“I didn’t think I’d qualify for something like that [CalFresh benefits]…it’s such a simple process...and I had that freedom to buy enough food.”

Megan, Former Cal Poly Student